Online help (Hexadecimal Text-Binary Conversion Tool)


The archive file is compressed in zip format.

Please make a suitable folder, and place all files in the folder you created with the same folder structure.

File organization

convhex.exe"Hexadecimal Text-Binary Conversion Tool" Application file.


Please delete each folder where the application exists.

Menu description



Open the CSV file in the file list.


Saves the contents currently in the file list of the dialog to the CSV file in which the file list is read.

Save As

Saves the contents currently in the file list of the dialog by specifying the file name.


Exit the application.


Help Topics

Open the online help page.

Choose Language

Select the display language of the application as "English" or "Japanese".
The display language will be switched after the next application is started.

About Application...

Displays application version information.

Main Dialog


(1) Output folder name

Specify the name of the folder where you want to save the converted files.

(2) [...]Button

Select the output destination folder name from the existing folders.

(3) Convert

Select the file conversion method from the following.

Binary -> Text Converts the contents of a binary file into a text file in hexadecimal notation.
Text -> Binary Converts the contents of a text file in hexadecimal notation to a binary file.

(4) Size

Select the number of bytes of 1 data to be expressed in hexadecimal from the following.

1 Byte
2 Byte
4 Byte
8 Byte

(5) Endian

Select the endian from the following when the number of bytes of 1 data is 2 bytes or more.

Big Endian
Little Endian

(6) HEX Format

Specifies the hexadecimal format for converting binary data to a hexadecimal string.
It is the same "%X" as C language.

(7) Array Format

Specifies the format of the array variable that stores the converted binary data when converting the binary data to a hexadecimal string.
($ ARRAY_NAME) will be replaced with the array name defined in the file list.
($ ARRAY_DATA) replaces the binary data converted to hexadecimal.

File list

(8) File list

Displays a list of files to be converted from binary to hexadecimal.

Input File

The file name to convert.

Output File

The file name to save the converted contents.
The file is saved in the folder specified in "Destination folder".

Array Name

The variable name of the array variable that stores the binary data when converting from binary to hexadecimal character string.

(9) [Add]Button

Add the files you want to convert to the file list.

(10) [Modify]Button

Edit the contents of the file information where the cursor is on the file list.

(11) [Delete]Button

Deletes the file information with the cursor on the file list from the file list.

(12) [All Delete]Button

Clears all file information in the file list.


(13) Progress bar showing the conversion status of files.

(14) Progress bar showing the number of converted files in the file list.

(15) [Cancel]Button

Suspends the file conversion currently being performed.

(16) [Execute]Button

File conversion will start.

Edit File List

Edit the file information to be converted.

(1) Input File Name The full path of the file name to be converted is displayed.
The contents of "Input File Name" cannot be edited.
(2) Output File Name The file name to save the converted contents.
(3) Array Name The variable name of the array variable that stores the binary data when converting from binary to hexadecimal character string.

Choose Language

Set the display language of the application.

(1) Choose Language Select the display language of the application from the following languages.
