Hexadecimal Text-Binary Conversion Tool


It is an application that converts binary data into hexadecimal notation text in order to embed resource files such as bitmaps in the source code with a built-in program.

Conversely, you can also convert text data in hexadecimal notation to a binary file.

See the online help for detailed operation.

Use condition

  • Neither the author nor the related group assume the responsibility to any damage that uses this software and occurs.
  • Neither the author nor the related group owe the obligation of the upgrade for the repair of trouble to this software and the functional improvement.
  • Neither the author nor the related group owe the obligation of any support to this software.
  • When part or all of this software are distributed again, the author's permission is necessary for prior.


File NameCONVHEX1010.zip


Version Date History
Ver1.0.1.0 2022.12.18 Bug fixed.
Ver1.0.0.0 2021.12.15 New release.