Online help (MQTT Monitor)


The archive file is compressed in zip format.

Please make a suitable folder, and place all files in the folder you created with the same folder structure.

File organization


"MQTT Monitor" Application file.


Setting file.


MQTTnet DLL file.


Japanese resource file.


Please delete each folder where the application exists.

Menu description


Add Publisher

Add Publisher (message sending port) port.

Add Subscriber

Add a Subscriber (message receiving port) port.


Make application settings for the application.


Exit the application.


Help Topics

Open the online help page.

Choose Language

Select the display language of the application as "English" or "Japanese".
The display language will be switched after the next application is started.

About MQTT Monitor

Displays application version information.

To Keep Using ...

Enter the license key.
This item cannot be selected if the license key registration has already been completed.

Main Dialog

(1) [Connect] button

Starts communication with the MQTT broker.

(2) [Disconnect] button

Terminates communication with the MQTT broker.


(3) Publisher list

BrokerShows the address of the MQTT broker to which Publisher connects.
PortShows the port number of the MQTT broker to which Publisher connects.
TopicShows the topic name of the MQTT broker to which Publisher connects.
StatusShows the connection status between Publisher and MQTT broker.
Last MessageShows the last message sent by Publisher.

(4) Address of the broker

Shows the address of the broker to which the Publisher is selected in the Publisher list.

(5) Broker port number

Shows the port number of the broker to which the Publisher is selected in the Publisher list.

(6) Topics

Shows the topic to connect to the Publisher selected in the Publisher list.

(7) Message to send

Enter the message to send from the Publisher selected in the Publisher list.

(8) [Send] button

Sends the string entered in the outgoing message from the Publisher selected in the Publisher list to the MQTT broker.

(9) View send log

Shows the send log of the Publisher selected in the Publisher list.

(10) [Clear] button

Clears the send log of the Publisher selected in the Publisher list.

(11) [Copy] button

Copy the send log of the Publisher selected in the Publisher list to the clipboard.


(12) Subscriber list

BrokerShows the address of the MQTT broker to which Subscriber connects.
PortShows the port number of the MQTT broker to which Subscriber connects.
TopicShows the topic name of the MQTT broker to which Subscriber connects.
StatusShows the connection status between Subscriber and MQTT broker.
Last MessageShows the last message received by the Subscriber.

(13) Address of the broker

Shows the address of the broker to which the Subscriber is selected in the Subscriber list.

(14) Broker port number

Shows the port number of the broker to which the Subscriber is selected in the Subscriber list.

(15) Topics

Shows the topic to connect to the Subscriber selected in the Subscriber list.

(16) Received message file

Shows the file name where the selected Subscriber saves the message received from the MQTT broker.

(17) View received log

Shows the received log of the Subscriber selected in the Subscriber list.

(18) [Clear] button

Clears the received log of the Subscriber selected in the Subscriber list.

(19) [Copy] button

Copy the received log of the Subscriber selected in the Subscriber list to the clipboard.

Add Publisher

Publisher list

(1) Publisher list

BrokerShows the address of the MQTT broker to which the Publisher connects.
PortShows the port number of the MQTT broker to which the Publisher connects.
TopicShows the topic name of the MQTT broker to which the Publisher connects.
QoSShows the QoS of Publisher.

(2) [Add] button

Add a new Publisher entered in [Basic] and [Authentication] to the Publisher list.

(3) [Update] button

Updates the Publisher settings selected in the Publisher list to the information entered in [Basic] and [Authentication].

(4) [Delete] button

Delete the selected Publisher from the list.


(5) Broker

Enter the address of the MQTT broker to which the Publisher connects.

(6) Port

Enter the port number of the MQTT broker to which Publisher connects.

(7) Topic

Enter the topic name of the MQTT broker that Publisher connects to.

(8) QoS

Select Publisher QoS.


(9) UserName

If a user name is required when connecting to the MQTT broker to connect to, specify the user name.

(10) Password

If a password is required to connect to the MQTT broker to connect to, specify the user name.

(11) CA certificate

Specify the CA certificate file set in the MQTT broker to connect to.

(12) [...] button on CA certificate

Select the CA certificate file from the existing files.

(13) Client certificate

Specify the client certificate file created from the CA certificate set in the MQTT broker to be connected.

(14) [...] button on Client certificate

Select the client certificate file from the existing files.

Add Subscriber

Subscriber list

(1) Subscriber list

BrokerShows the address of the MQTT broker to which the Subscriber connects.
PortShows the port number of the MQTT broker to which the Subscriber connects.
TopicShows the topic name of the MQTT broker to which the Subscriber connects.
QoSShows the QoS of Subscriber.

(2) [Add] button

Add a new Subscriber entered in [Basic] and [Authentication] to the Subscriber list.

(3) [Update] button

Updates the Subscriber settings selected in the Subscriber list to the information entered in [Basic] and [Authentication].

(4) [Delete] button

Delete the selected Subscriber from the list.


(5) Broker

Enter the address of the MQTT broker to which the Subscriber connects.

(6) Port

Enter the port number of the MQTT broker to which Subscriber connects.

(7) Topic

Enter the topic name of the MQTT broker that Subscriber connects to.

(8) QoS

Select Subscriber QoS.


(9) UserName

If a user name is required when connecting to the MQTT broker to connect to, specify the user name.

(10) Password

If a password is required to connect to the MQTT broker to connect to, specify the user name.

(11) CA certificate

Specify the CA certificate file set in the MQTT broker to connect to.

(12) [...] button on CA certificate

Select the CA certificate file from the existing files.

(13) Client certificate

Specify the client certificate file created from the CA certificate set in the MQTT broker to be connected.

(14) [...] button on Client certificate

Select the client certificate file from the existing files.

File save to Subscriber

(15) Save file name

Enter the file name to save the message received by Subscriber.

(16) [...] button

Select a file name to save the message received by Subscriber from the existing file name.

(17) Add Timestamp

If checked, the date and time received when saving the message received by Subscriber to a file is added as a time stamp.
If it is not checked, the time stamp will not be added when saving the message received by Subscriber to a file.

(18) Append to exist file

If checked, the message received by Subscriber will be saved. If the file already exists, the message received at the end of the file will be saved while keeping the contents of the current file.
If unchecked, it erases the contents of the file and saves the message received from the beginning of the file.

Application Settings

Log file folder

(1) Output LOG

If checked, a log file will be created and the log will be output to a file.
If it is not checked, the log file will not be created.

The name of the log file to be created will be [MQTT_MONITOR_YYYYMMDDhhmmss.log].

YYYYYears when creating the log file.
MMMonths when creating the log file.
DDDays when creating the log file.
hhHours when creating the log file.
mmMinutes when creating the log file.
ssSeconds when creating the log file.

(2) Log file storage folder name

Set the name of the folder where the log file is stored.

(3) [...] button

Select the name of the folder where the log file is stored from the existing folders.

Choose Language

Set the display language of the application.

(1) Choose Language

Select the display language of the application from the following languages.


Enter the licence key

Enter the application license key.

(1) [To Buy ...] button/td>

Displays the homepage where you can purchase the license key.

(2) Username

Enter the user name to register the license.

(3) Licence key

Enter the license key you purchased.